Qingjie Meng


I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science at University of Birmingham. Before joining Birmingham, I was a Research Associate in Biomedical Image Analysis Group (BioMedIA), Department of Computing at Imperial College London, working with Prof. Daniel Rueckert and Prof. Declan O’Regan. I obtained my Ph.D. in computer vision for medical imaging from Department of Computing at Imperial College London, supervised by Dr. Bernhard Kainz and Prof. Daniel Rueckert. Before that, I obtained my M.S. and B.S. from Northwestern Polytechnical University, supervised by Prof. Yanning Zhang.
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Open Positions: I am looking for highly motivated PhD or Master students with passion and background on AI/machine learning for medical imaging. If you are interested to working with me, please check the details and drop me an email.

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Research Interests

I have broad interests in medical imaging analysis, computer vision and machine learning and computer vision. My current major research topics are about:


Email: m.qingjie@bham.ac.uk